Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Baby steps

 Two of my kiddos went back to the storage shed with me yesterday. Mostly, I worked to separate the things into piles. I wanted to get my folks' and daughter's things separate. I got a lot of that done. We also got an old TV out of there. Thank goodness my older son was with me because that thing is heavy. Right now it is sitting on the side of the road with a free sign on it. We'll see if it disappears. If not, I suppose we'll have to pay to have it recycled, but that's okay. We also got some broken glass out. The movers who brought our stuff to the shed initially were horrible. They damaged my table, broke several pieces of smaller furniture, and broke a glass end table top. I also found one book to add to the give away pile. It was a small improvement, but we're still moving forward.

I'm still trying that self-love thing, and it is still weird. Today instead of following, "I love you," with anything derrogatory, I just said, "Practising, practising, practising." 

Baby steps.

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