Monday, April 27, 2009

Something to say

I have something to say, and it's not going to win me any friends. I've been called militant in my opposition of circumcision. I've had people tell me that my opinion was "extreme." I've had people be offended because I say that female genital mutilation is not any different from male genital mutilation. I could give you statistics. I could tell you why it's a human rights violation. I could tell you that the owner of the genitals should be allowed to decide what to do with them. But really, I think I only need to show people two pictures and ask them one question: Why is what's happening in the first picture a human rights violation, but what's happening in the second picture is not? (I'm going to place a warning that these pictures are horrific - click at your own risk.)
7 year old girl
3 year old boy


Becca~CapturingSimpleJoys said...

I'm right there with ya sister! I'm sure that Colton is the first boy, on both sides of the family, that hasn't been circumcised. Mark and I studied about it a great deal when we knew we would have a boy. Amazingly my midwest husband's first knee jerk reaction to the question I posed was "No way!" I was so proud of him for being open to NOT doing it "JUST BECAUSE" We figured we wouldn't cut on our daughter why would we cut on our son? Doesn't make sense. What really convinced him though was that it isn't recommended by any medical position etc. out there. Doctors should really be educating the poor idiots who don't educate themselves. That's a whole other can or worms though huh?:)

Misty said...

I need to get to know this husband of yours someday. :-) Yea, to me - it's a no-brainer. I have to say that I am really angry at doctors in this country for continuing this practice - especially the ones that say, "Well, there's no reason for it." Um, if there's no reason - stop doing it!!!

mom said...

Why would any person do that to a three year old boy, and a seven year old girl, that is sick! What a sick world we live in! Thank God there are people that have better since than that in this country! Those poor Kids!

Anonymous said...

To Mom (and I hope this isn't the poster's Mom because I don't mean to offend) but who would do that to a boy or girl of any age? I think that was the question being asked. Why is it ok at 1 day but not three years? Do the rights of children have both gender and age restrictions?

Anonymous said...

I first came to realize how wrong male circumcision was after being very anti-female circumcision for years. It's funny how we in the U.S. think what those "savages" do to their daughters is so awful, yet don't even bat an eye when Americans do it to their sons. I've only become vocally anti-circumcision since having my own child. Many people in the U.S. just don't get how much male circumcision is similar to female genital mutilation. I challenge those who still can't see the similarities to research it further. Not all female circumcision we hear about are as "extreme" as the ones reported. And not all male circumcisions go off without a hitch. What it boils down to, for me, is it's wrong to remove healthy functioning body parts without the child's consent. It seems that consideration should be afforded to each child born, black or white, male or female, Jew, Gentile, or Muslim.
Thanks for touching on this subject. Many, including myself, are a little too nervous to blog about things like this. It's good to get it out in the open for discussion. People really need to question this "tradition" of cutting our children.

Carrie said...

I just cried and cried. Knowing what my nephew went through, I think if he could have talked, like these children could, he would have said "what the F*#$!!!, I came into this world happy, nursing glad to be loved and then out of nowhere, bam, cut off." Would parents stop circumcising infants if their child could ask them, why are you hurting me? I just am not okay with pieces of anyone's body being cut off that doesn't benefit them. I am also with you on doctor's taking a stand. The doctor that performed my nephew's said she didn't believe in it and it should be stopped, still cut part of his penis off! Preach on, my friend!

Taylor Taylor said...

Absolutely barbaric. For males and females it's not right to force it upon a minor of either gender.

It's not even right that the cultural brainwashing goes on that boys 9-11 in the Philippines think it's a "great" thing to "choose" to be circumcised because they think it's "cleaner" and makes them "more desirable to women". Or women in Muslim questions choose to be circumcised because it "looks better". Just wrong, wrong, wrong.


Intact adult male and LOVING it! <3

veganf said...

As a mama to 3 intact boys I'm not even going to click on the links....but boy do I wish someone had been there to speak up for my husband as an infant. :-(

consult4 said...

Thank you.It is about time that rational thinking be applied in this hideous and barbaric practice. it is harmful and has no proven benefit--but proven harm and risks.

We need to start acting and thinking like civilized beings..and respecting the most basic of human rights--bodily integrity!
Religion, superstitions, and myths are hardly a justification of violating the most basic of human rights!

Anonymous said...

I saw the three year old, but for some reason when I clicked on the seven year old I got an article about a photographer

Anonymous said...
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