Sunday, November 16, 2008


Someday the world will be a place where a person's skin color or ethnicity doesn't change anyone's opinion of them...

Someday the world will be a place where women and men are equal...

Someday the world will be a place where no one has to choose between feeding their children or taking them to the doctor...

Someday the world will be a place where people can marry who they love without discrimination...

If everyone continues to fight for what is right...

We will see "someday."

Beth, Ray, Livi, and Lou - today you fought for "someday." I am proud of you.


Anonymous said...


I love the pictures, and you are right. Our children fought for some day..and that day will come!

Sybil Runs Things said...

Misty I am so proud of you and your family for doing this! We didn't attend the rally in Seattle and I am kicking myself for it.

I hope some day (soon!) your children will look back and say "remember when we stood up for equality and helped change the laws?"

Carrie said...

I am so jealous that I couldn't be there, but thank you for the pictures and the wonderful song by the Gay Mens Chorus!