Trey started his new job this week, so I have spent the week trying hard to get everyone back into a routine. Trey is technically working two jobs, so he is busting his butt. He works very hard to see we all have what we need, and I am so proud of him. The kids are over the moon that Daddy's new job allows him to work from home, and they are also pretty jazzed that Mommy isn't working anymore. It makes us both feel pretty appreciated. :-) Unfortunately, I have gotten to the "beached whale" point in my pregnancy, so I am short on energy! It's all starting to come back together though. My big issue right now is to get us back on a healthier diet. We ate a lot of gluten products when Trey got laid off. It became apparent VERY quickly that our family cannot tolerate gluten that well. It's my goal to figure out quick, easy, cheap, healthy gluten free meals! Our refrigerator is stuffed full of fresh fruits and veggies right now - thank goodness for Costco! I don't know how I would feed a growing family of six (soon to be seven) without them.
I haven't given an update on the compost pile. The kids (especially Ray) have really gotten into it. They love to dump our indoor can of scraps into the outside pile. They have fun "watering" the pile as well. I love it that our produce scraps are being turned into soil and not rotting in a landfill. Even Louis enjoys throwing stuff into the bin. We're trying to teach him that rocks don't go in it though!
Here's a cute picture of the little ones that I snapped the other day.
The Kids are so special, you will have to teach us about compost and help us make one while you are here this summer. I would love to have one also, I just don't know how we would keep the mice and other animals out of it! Oh Well! Love Ya
So Lovely!
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