Friday, January 30, 2009

Another cool giveaway - Twisted Silver

So, being sick with the flu sucks, but you can find positives everywhere, right? Because I am home sick with the flu, I also get to spend the day cuddled in bed with my two little munchkins (one who is also sick - the other who will probably get sick because he won't stay out of my face! LOL.), and while they watch Blue's Clues, I get to surf the web. I'm having fun finding all these cool contests, and I'm not one to keep a good deal to myself, so I'm sharing it with you all!

Rundpinne blog is having a giveaway from a very cool store called Twisted Silver. They have cool, funky jewelry. Check out their celebrities page, and you will see their jewelry on one of my fave celebrities - Finola Hughes! If you like their jewelry, then go to Rundpinne and enter her blog giveaway for one of their bracelets! Good luck - let me know if you win!

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